Saturday, 28 December 2013

Golden Leaves

Blazer - New Look
Cream Skirt - Topshop
Necklace - Vintage
Boots - Office
Watch-  M&S

Hello Lovelies!

Firstly, MERRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you all had a lovely day filled with fun, family and food! As much as I love Christmas, boy am I glad it's over! I don't even want to think about the amount of food I have consumed over the last few days.. But hey ho, tis the season and all that! :)

I attended a live streaming of the Russian Bolshoi Ballet last Sunday and it was absolutely magical. It's become a family tradition to do this every year and it definitely provides me with the perfect dosage of Christmas cheer. We usually see the Nutcracker, but this year the show was Sleeping Beauty. The production was visually amazing and the choreography looked elegant, yet painstakingly challenging, and even my toes were hurting at the end! Haha! 

I wanted to show you all yet another vintage gold necklace that I bought from my favourite bargain treasure trove.. eBay! I absolutely love the style and design of this piece. It looks like twigs or even branches from a tree? I'm not really sure but it's a great addition to the collection. I think I'll now have to search for a jewellery stand big enough to hold all my beauties! 

More soon!


Friday, 20 December 2013

Primark Paisley

Paisley Tee - Primark
Lace Skirt - Primark
Necklace - Primark!
Cardigan - Vintage
Satchel - ASOS

Hey loves!

So, school's out for.. Winter! It was my last day of Uni on Thursday and I'm finally off for the Christmas holidays! Can't wait to put my feet up and slob about watching Christmas TV all day long.... I wish! I still have a mountain of work to get through over the holidays, so no rest for me - Bah Humbug! 

Got serious love for Primark lately. I picked up this bright coloured tee back in Summer and been wearing it ever since. I love the paisley pattern and I may have bought it in white too... This lace skirt is an absolute essential for my wardrobe and can be paired with so many items. I had an old lace skirt that completely shrunk in the wash, but my good old Primark one has stayed intact! 

I also wanted to show you this necklace I picked up a few weeks ago. I bought it for my friends engagement party, and it was only £4! I love the teardrop, waterfall effect and the way it hangs on my neck so delicately! I think it looks much more expensive than it really is, and will be the perfect accessory for any outfit over the coming party season! 

More soon, 



Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Berry Christmas

Maybe I should ask Santa for a hairbrush? Excuse the messy hair! hahaha

Polka-Dot Dress - H&M
Beaded Jumper - Topshop
Necklace & Belt - Vintage
Fringed Bag - H&M
Boots - Office

Hello Lovelies! 

Hope you are all in the festive spirit! I've been a little swamped with coursework at the moment but took time off today to take some photos, listen to Christmas music and wrap some prezzies - There's nothing better than that! 

This is my favourite festive outfit at the moment. I actually bought this H&M dress back in Summer, but knew the lovely burgundy berry colour would be perfect for Winter. The beaded Topshop jumper must be about 5 years old now, but it's my classic, go-to Christmas jumper, with the golden beads reminding me of Christmas lights - how cute!

I'm nervously still waiting for lots of my gifts to arrive in the post... Hurry up Postie! Hope you are all a lot more organised than I am! 

Also had a mini panic yesterday at the thought of Google Friend Connect being gone forever, so please be sure to follow my blog on Bloglovin' here! :)

More soon!


P.S. Here is an early Christmas treat for you all... my favourite Christmas song, sung by the lovely Florence and The Machine... Enjoy!


Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Sweet Dreams

*Sweet Dreams*
For all item details, check out my Polyvore profile here!

Hello Lovelies!

Apologies for the lack of blogging lately. Uni coursework has taken over my life and I now find myself constantly surrounded by books and swimming through journal articles. My bedroom seriously looks like a bomb site. Roll on Crimbo for the excuse to get away from the books and eat myself silly!

I've been lusting over everything pastel coloured and shiny lately... The combination of marshmallow pink, cloudy blue and sparking silver is enough to delight any sweet tooth! We need colourful and shiny clothes more than anything right now, to help us survive the dark, grey days! 

I promise more outfit posts soon, 


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