Valentines Gift Guide // We are fast approaching that time of year again... Valentines! That's right, it's time to get loved up and let our partners know just how much they mean to us. Love and appreciation can be shown in thousands of ways. Whether it's a simple 'Good Morning' text, breakfast in bed, a bouquet of red roses or a small, thoughtful gift, Valentines can be the loveliest time of the year and, let's face it, your partner probably deserves it! I've teamed up with Filofax to bring you a fabulous gift guide for Valentines, guaranteed to give you plenty of present inspiration for yourself or that special someone in your life.
Tuesday, 31 January 2017
Sunday, 29 January 2017
Metallic Burgundy Top - Outfit of the Day
Burgundy Top // Hello loves, hope you're having a great Sunday! Sharing a quick outfit post, quickly snapped as I was leaving the house last week. I picked up this metallic burgundy top in a random charity shop in Denmark over four years ago. I was on Erasmus, living the study-abroad life and exploring the local charity shops was a weekly activity we loved to do - we always managed to pick up some amazing bargains! This top has been a trusty favourite ever since and I think looks great paired with my faux leather skirt from Warehouse (apologies for the super crumpled look, can you tell how much I wear it?!)

Friday, 27 January 2017
My Life in Pictures // Instagram
Instagram // Hello loves, it's been a busy week but I've still managed to update my instagram feed with inspiration pictures, quotes and things that have taken my fancy. From my previous posts, you'll probably know by now that I've really enjoyed reading lately - I've found it to be incredibly relaxing and I'm in the habit of reading before bed, which is helping me to doze off and sleep better than usual. I've just finished reading The Goldfinch (a review coming to a blog near you...) and I've just begun Anthony Doerr's 'All The Light We Cannot See'. I'm only 100 pages in but loving it already. I can see why it's also a Pulitzer Prize winner - so far, it's beautifully written with some lovely characters...

Sunday, 22 January 2017
Silver Top & Skinny Jeans - Outfit of the Day
Skinny Jeans // What's this?! I'm finally wearing a pair of jeans?! Am I feeling sick?! No, not really but most of you will know that I'm very much a dress/ skirt kind of girl and it's very rare to see me rocking any pair of trousers! One day last week I just fancied a change. I found this old (I mean veryyyy old) H&M silver top hiding at the back of my wardrobe and fancied a little sparkle in my outfit that day. I thought it looked better with the one pair of black skinny jeans that I own and added a velvet chocker to complete the whole look. Although, I must say, I really didn't feel myself that day - even the small step of wearing jeans made me feel a lil out of my style comfort zone....

Friday, 20 January 2017
My Life in Pictures // Instagram
Instagram // As you can probably tell from my instagram, I love the colour pink. All shades, all variations. I find it incredibly soothing and all kinds of lovely, and lately I've been slowly but surely filling my instagram full of pretty, pink pictures - whether that be of pink flowers, pink artwork or even pink front doors ... #Goals. I think people assume the colour pink to be incredibly girly and silly, but I don't see it like that all. It's a fantastic colour and I'm just counting down the days until I can own my very own pink sofa... Love at first sight!

Tuesday, 17 January 2017
Fashion WishList for Quiz Clothing 2017
Quiz Clothing Wish List // Hello loves, hope you're having a great week so far. Can you believe that we are half way through January already? Christmas was a whole three weeks ago and hopefully you've managed to stick to some, if not all, of your resolutions. A new year can also symbolise a fresh start and, for many of us, a new wardrobe. The January sales can be very tempting although sometimes overwhelming. I try to avoid sales actually and just look for quality rather than quantity. For this post, I've teamed up with Quiz Clothing to bring you some fashion inspiration for the new year. The retailer specialises in fashion-forward pieces that are affordable and won't break the bank. I've put together a wish list of my favourite items that I found online, ranging from ladies dresses, tops and playsuits.

Sunday, 15 January 2017
Black Love Heart Dress - Outfit of the Day
Black Love Hearts // First things first (I'm the realist), I love this dress! It's from a brand called Nobody's Child and I had never heard of them before. I happened to stumble across their instagram account and knew I needed this dress in my life. I've always thought that wrap style dresses are always flattering, for any body shape and size, and this has quickly become a firm favourite of mine. The dress has to be wrapped round your body and tied tightly to one side - it instantly makes you feel like you have the best figure in the world.

Friday, 13 January 2017
My Life in Pictures // Instagram
Instagram // here we go again, another influx of pictures from my daily life. I'm sharing the last lot of Christmas themed pictures that I'd taken over the festive break. I love to share inspirational, creative pictures and I'm absolutely in love with these ones... That rose gold and pink themed living room is serious interior goals, and just how cute is that christmas tree macaron?! I love discovering other creatives on Instagram and sharing the love!

Tuesday, 10 January 2017
Welly Merck Watch Review 2017
Welly Merck // Over the last year, my watch collection has certainly grown. I've always considered a watch to be a classic accessory and the perfect gift for that special someone in your life. I was extremely lucky to be contacted from a new watch brand, Welly Merck, who specialise in high-quality, Swiss brand watches. I've been given the opportunity to review one of their watches - I decided to choose a style that I don't already own and opted for this sleek, silver number. I was a little worried about the silver mesh strap, as I hate it when jewellery catches on the little hairs on my arm, but thankfully, this watch edging is smooth and sits perfectly on my wrist.

Sunday, 8 January 2017
Blue Leopard Print Dress - Outfit of the Day
Blue Leopard // Hello everyone, hope you are enjoying the New Year so far. 2017 has started off with a busy bang, and I only have a quick outfit post for you today. I spotted this dress (excuse the pun) in my local charity shop for £5 - what a bargain! I loved the look of this outfit on the hanger, but I'm not too sure if it's right for me. I really dislike bodycon style dresses - they always cling to my lumps and bumps and whenever I eat anything, my food baby is on full display. It's a shame because I like the print and how it shows clearly on the sheer 3/4 sleeves, but I'm just not sure...

Friday, 6 January 2017
My Life in Pictures // Instagram
Instagram // Hello loves, I hope you've been enjoying the start of the new year and cherishing those valuable days off work. The last few weeks have been incredibly busy and incredibly lazy... I've enjoying catching up with friends, eating great food and having the occasional lazy day in pyjamas... its been brilliant and exactly what the Christmas/ New Year holidays should be like. I'm sharing another dose of pictures from my time over Winter, hope you enjoy!
Tuesday, 3 January 2017
My New Year Resolutions for 2017.
New Years Resolutions // Well, well, well.... 2017. It's nice to see you but my god, you appeared out of NOWHERE. Right, must stay positive and not freak out too much - I'm just amazed at how fast 2016 flew by, but then again, thinking back on the year just passed, a lot happened. Anyways, it's that time of year when I like to set myself the challenge of resolutions and decided to share them with you all today. I like to stick to small, achievable goals, so that I don't set my sights too high and lose all motivation after one week. So, here we go....
Sunday, 1 January 2017
Starry, Starry Night - Outfit of the Day
Starry, Starry Night // Do you ever just decide to hold onto clothes, instead of throwing them out, because you hope they'll come back into fashion some day? I'm guilty of doing this, but I always find it hard to part with clothes - particularly if they hold some meaning or memory with them. For example, the last time I wore this dress, it was for a costume party where I went as a fortune teller, accessorising with large gold hoop earrings and many rings on my fingers. It was a hilarious night and I've decided to hold onto this dress ever since.

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